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Volunteers in Medicine in Schuylkill & Carbon Counties
Volunteers in Medicine in Schuylkill & Carbon Counties

VIM and The Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development...SIGN UP TO BE A CONTRIBUTOR FOR 2025/26....NOW!
Every Year, with the support and endorsement of our county’s state and federal political officials, Volunteers in Medicine will be applying for Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development Grants to better help the communities in Schuylkill County that we are already serving. Specifically, The Neighborhood Assistance Program Tax Credit (NAP), the Special Program Priorities (SPP), and the Neighborhood Partnership Program (NPP),
The goals of NAP are to provide resources to assist neighborhoods and communities with fiscal difficulties, encourage positive health outcomes, and address the safety and welfare of their residents.
As a result, NAP encourages communities to pursue and achieve fiscal well-being and self-sufficiency.
The goals of the Programs are to promote community participation and collaborations among the residents, nonprofits and businesses while producing outcomes by assisting a distressed area or the low-income population in a neighborhood.
We will be meeting with Community leaders, business association and business owners to offer them opportunities to PARTNER with VIM, while helping their own business retain the necessary capital to re-invest in their employees, business and community.
We will educate them (Eligible neighborhood nonprofits (“Applicants”)) to apply for tax credits based on pending contributions.
VIM will be focusing on the following projects.
Neighborhood Partnership Program (NPP) Projects are designed to improve access to job and economic opportunities, quality education, affordable housing, quality-of-life amenities, and other key factors in building healthy communities.
Special Program Priorities (SPP)
Projects in this category must demonstrate a significant impact on specific needs in a distressed area(s) and are based on collaborations, partnerships, and goals. VIM’s multiple Clinic sites with our partner-Gaudenzia, will spur community economic development because of the jobs we will add, deal with diversity issues in rural settings, while addressing the needed supportive services for vulnerable and at risk populations. We will work with Veteran’s groups, as needed to help veterans’ initiatives and work with existing health care systems to integrated health and housing initiatives. If we are able to purchase our own building, we will even be able to help with blight elimination,
Eligible NAP Project Activities
VIM will be seeking businesses to partner with us monetarily and by donating: Financial assistance, labor, material, or technical advice, pre-development, land acquisition, site control, title clearance, market studies, environmental costs, energy conservation and “green” building services, design services, legal, and other technical assistance services.
Our projects certainly will address Community Economic Development with activities that revitalize or stabilize distressed areas, through one or more of the following: (1) The construction or rehabilitation of commercial or industrial buildings, The removal or elimination of physical blight, (2) Increased access to job training, employment opportunities, education, and community services opportunities, (3) Crime and violence prevention within the designated area, or (4) Community Services: Services such as counseling, case management services, and advisory services, emergency assistance, food assistance, or medical care furnished to individuals or groups in a distressed area intended to stabilize or revitalize the area.
Projects or services that address the decline of a neighborhood or the needs of a vulnerable population and have primary or secondary benefits to the stabilization of a distressed area, will be a focus in everything we do.
The Neighborhood Partnership Program (NPP) component of NAP is rooted in a community strategic plan, collaborations with partners, and long-term business relationships. The NPP is expected to create energy in the community by completing projects based on specific development needs in a targeted area that produce measurable outcomes. NPP is a long-term program that secures business commitments for five (5) years or longer. We are seeking 10 businesses to commit $50,000 per year and receive a 75% tax credit in return.
NPP Specific Application Requirements
VIM will establish “Neighborhood Partnership Advisory Committees” that include representatives from the contributors and NPP area stakeholders such as members of the applicant, subcontractors, government representatives, other organizations related to the NPP, and residents. b. The committee is expected to:
• Assist with the initial and subsequent planning of the NPP • Provide ongoing input to the neighborhood organization applying for and carrying out the NPP project
• Meet at least quarterly to discuss the progress of the project, any issues that arise, and to relay and update information about the community.
Interested businesses should direct inquires to Robert Alonge, CEO at bobalonge@gmail.com or call him directly at 570-617-4620.